The Victorian Goldfields World Heritage listing bid project is a partnership between 15 local governments, regional organisations, academia and the private sector on behalf of the Victorian Goldfields community. This partnership represents almost half a million people, embracing nearly 20% of the state of Victoria in Australia. The bid seeks to achieve a World Heritage listing to celebrate the history and heritage of the region.
Victorian Goldfields World Heritage Bid 15 LGA's partnership. MRL Media 2024
We are proud and honoured to have The Honourable John Brumby AO and The Honourable Denis Napthine AO as our patrons for the bid. Both gentlemen have been involved and supportive of this project for many years and share a desire to have the Victorian Goldfields recognised globally as the world’s most profound, long-lasting and transformative nineteenth-century gold rush story.
We are grateful and appreciative for the expert skills and knowledge of our strategic advisors who continue to help develop and support the bid. Barry Gamble, a leading UK World Heritage expert has recently prepared a draft Statement of Outstanding Universal Value (OUV) for the Victorian Goldfields that highlight why they are the best of the best.
We have developed partnership agreements between 15 local governments and the Victorian Goldfields Tourism Executive (VGTE) to progress the bid. These agreements recognise our common interests and objectives and objectives and demonstrate an unprecedented level of cooperation and commitment. The list of our partners and how we will achieve the vision for the bid together can be found here.
A message from the region's Mayors, Councillors and Bid Co-Patron The Hon Denis Napthine AO from Australia's historic gold town of Clunes, Victoria, December 2021